
Sheikh Islamic Institute Katuum (SSIIK)


Sheikh Shuaib Islamic Institute Katuum ( SSIIK) was Established in 1945 by late Sultan His Highness Sheikh Shuaib Shadhili Alya-shurtiy The Great, He was initially a member of royal family of Buganda Kingdom which is existing today as most powerful and one of the biggest Kingdom in Africa  as His Father Named Isaak was Royal Regent , and his was among royals who could inherit the throne. But when Islam was Introduced in Uganda to the Kingdom, During that, the King sent him for a mission to exchange gifts with Arabs at the east African coast of Indian ocean. After staying with Arabs, Islam was introduced to him and embraced Islam, he return to the place only to resign all his work as member of royal to serve Allah and spread His deen of Islam. First He dedicated His life seeking knowledge of Islam and later he started inviting others among royal family and all people. Alhamdu lillah he was joined by some of royal family members including some kings, but because the Buganda Kingdom was based on catholic teachings according to British colonialism, they concluded any royal member who convert to Islam can not become a King, for this reason , Muslim royals from Buganda Kingdom and their followers were against that conclusion and the battle broke between Muslims and Christianity that lead to holy war but Muslims lost as a result of Britaiosh helping , until today its continuing only Christian inherit the throne of Buganda Kingdom. 
during the holy was between Muslims and Christians that had spread to all parts of Uganda from the Palace of Buganda Kingdom, some royal family members were exiled to Zanzibar Island of Tanzania, among them was Prince Nuh Mbogo where he stayed for some time but His Highness Sultan Sheikh Shuaib the great remained in the country and resisted the oppression against Islam and Muslims until British Government accepted and allowed him to establish the first Islamic school he named Jamatel Islam Quran School at Kawempe, Kampala, Uganda, East Africa. He started teaching Islam to people since 1915 that continued until the government passed a law that allowed Religious communities as Trust if they have got land. In 1930 October 30th, he registered His Quran school as a Trust named Uganda Jamatel Islam Kampala at Kawempe. Also it was during same days the royal family members who were exiled to Zanziba returned that lead to British and Buganda Kingdom to agree and establish a separate administration in Buganda Kingdom for Muslims headed by the Muslim royals they established separated administration of Islam and Muslims in the Buganda Kingdom at Place called Kibuli Kampala, Uganda.     
H.H Sultan Sheikh Shuaib continued to teach knowledge of Islam until he graduated the first three Student to become Sheikhs, and they 40 students, and more. so when number learners increased he looked for a place where he can establish a permanent school for learning, by Allah',s will he managed to get land in Luwero 46 Km from Kampala City where established his Institute, and he transferred all his students from Kawempe at Uganda Jamatel Islam Quran School to Luwero at Katuumu which existing until today as Sheikh Shuaib Islamic Institute Katuum. 
