Welcome to SSIIK.
Mountain of Knowledge and Wisdom
Center of Excellence for Acquiring knowledge and wisdom that is has
Graduated All prominent Sheikhs serving Islam In Uganda including all Muftis , Qadhis, teachers, etc.
Seek Knowledge from Birth to the Cradle
Guidance of our beloved Prophet Muhammad sallah aleih wasallama, peace be upon Him, He said " "seek Knowledge from Cradle to the Grave"

His Highness Sultan Sheikh Shuaib the Great
Knowledge is light that brighten the journey of your life that begins with learning as soon as your born, So His highness Sultan Sheikh Shuaib the great knew that without knowledge , there is no success in the future of human life in this world and hereafter, he dedicate his entire life to Allah and spent all his time teaching traveling from one place to another looking for those who want to learn until he established a permanent place for learning in 1945 at Katuum in Luwero District , Uganda, East Africa, which is today existing as Sheikh Shuaib Islamic Institute Katuum (SSIIK)
Masjid Rahman
On the Right of Masjid Rahman is resting Place of our Great Sheikh His Highness Sheikh Shuaib Ibn Is-Haq Shadhili Al-Yashurtiy Founder of Sheikh Shuaib Islamic Institute Katuum (SSIIK)

Proposed Masjid Rahman Under Construction

Quran Memorization
Quran Memorization Under construction

New Masjid Rahman
New Masjid Rahman Under Construction

Classes and hostels
Present Premises for Primary and Secondary , and Hifz Quran.